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Expensive life of the small Principality of Monaco

This tiny principality is located in the south of France in the area known to everyone as the Côte d'Azur. Monaco does not have its own lakes, rivers and forests, but there are a huge number of landscaped parks, groves and gardens. The Principality boasts three hundred days of sunshine a year, and the mild Mediterranean type of climate is better than ever for growing crops such as olives, olives, fruit trees.

Monaco has only one ruling political party, the National Democratic Union, other parties are banned in the principality. Becoming a full member of the state is not easy enough: you need to live in the territory for more than ten years. However, citizens have a number of privileges, such as the absence of taxes and duties.

The development of the infrastructure of the Principality began actively in the nineteenth century, when the construction of hotels and restaurants became widespread, and recreational resources attracted tourists from all over the world. In 1861, the first casino was opened in Monaco. Rich people from all over the world came to try their luck. 

The gaming industry developed at a tremendous pace, the Monte Carlo gaming house soon grew into a whole gaming city. However, now, oddly enough, the gaming industry brings only three percent of the country's total income. The Principality has a significant profit from the placement of foreign capital on its territory and the registration of investment firms and banking institutions. Monaco is considered the safest country in the world. About 400 police officers are on guard, and almost every corner of the country is monitored by video cameras.

Life in the principality is very expensive. Real estate, education and medical care are beyond the reach of the average European. Therefore, residents work 340 days a year, sometimes for 15 years without holidays, in order to provide themselves and their families with decent living conditions.

Along with warm seaside resorts and the presence of a huge number of casinos, Monte Carlo is famous for another action. Every spring, the inhabitants of the city shudder from the rumble of fireballs, because it is here that the famous Formula 1 racing car competition takes place. Racing tracks are laid directly on the residential streets of the city, which are characterized by limited acceleration and a huge number of turns. It is not for nothing that the Grand Prix is ​​called the “race of a thousand turns”.