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Sights of Greece, which you can see for free

Greece is a country where the spirit of ancient culture still reigns, where many tourists from all over the world seek to get. Many attractions are located in this seemingly small country. 

Greece is one of the most sought-after tourist areas, and undoubtedly each of them was thought to see such an amazing sight in this country. There are many sights to be found, but the places where you can go and see them for free are especially intriguing for tourists.

Many say that Athens is the heart of Greece itself. It is so, because Athens is not just a city, not just a capital, it is a place where various cultural buildings, temples, a natural phenomenon are located, which have miraculously survived to this day, so that everyone can see how and what they lived before people. The city of Athens itself can already be called the main attraction of the country, because many places are connected in one place - in the area of ​​the Athenian Acropolis.

Arch of Hadrian

Hadrian's Arch is the famous arch in Athens that leads to Amalis Avenue. It was built in 131 on the road that led from the old city to the new part of the Roman Empire. Despite the fact that the Arch of Hadrian was restored, it perfectly preserved the look and memory of those times.


This is an incredibly picturesque area of ​​Athens, which is located on the northeastern slope of the Acropolis. Here you can see various ancient architecture, including the Kanellopoulos Museum.


The whole city of Thessaloniki, as well as Athens, has collected many sights, many old streets, squares, the embankment, which already conquers the heart with its beauty. In the city center there is a square of Platia Aristotelous and Platia Eleftherias, there are always a lot of citizens and tourists who watch the ancient architecture.


It seems that every person who has visited this peninsula recalls with bated breath all its views and beauties. One of the most popular tourist destinations is the ruins of Olympia, where the Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece. There you can see the oldest stadium in the world, where the first ever competitions were once held. Also near the stadium is the Olympic Village, where you can see the gymnasium and the temple of Hera.

In fact, this is only a small part of those places that every person must visit when visiting Greece. This is the country where you don't need to look for attractions, because they are located literally everywhere, which cannot but fascinate and attract everyone to visit this incredible country, with such a rich and beautiful history that echoes beautiful views, buildings, architecture, and just has such a strong spirit of ancient Greece!