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Top attractions in Miami

Miami is a true hero of late 20th century film culture of the USA: Crime dramas, glamorous TV series and plenty of comedies have all made the waterfront development a legendary tourist city, half of whose economy is based on visitors who come to visit the bastion of neon signs, palm trees and golden sand.

However, this urban settlement, having such colorful associations behind it, did not become a tourist province. Quite the contrary: Miami is also an exemplary metropolis with unique buildings and interesting building solutions that cannot be found in large American cities. The main tourist interest is the suburb of Miami - Miami Beach. At the legislative level, these are two different municipalities, which, however, are considered by the whole world and the inhabitants of these cities to be a single whole.

Because of this, the value of Miami for a tourist doubles, because before the latter there is always a choice of what to explore on the next day of stay: a balanced and smoothly flowing metropolis from area to area or a rougher, in comparison with the main part, but an extremely diverse and attractive part, located on the legendary beach.

Miami Beach

This place is the face of Miami, which is known to the whole world. Even world-famous stars prefer staying in Miami Beach to relaxing in exotic resorts, which allows you to meet your favorite actor on the street or in the nearest restaurant. Here are the most expensive hotels, the most comfortable beach sections and several attractive places for tourists, some of which are worth talking about in more detail.

1. The Bass Museum of Art is an amazing museum containing an extensive (three thousand exhibits) collection of a wide variety of cultural objects: paintings, miniatures, tapestries, sculptures and statues. The time period for the creation of these paintings varies from the Middle Ages to the present day, which raises the spiritual value of each object to unthinkable heights.

The museum has a time frame, upon entering which you can enter the institution for free, which strengthens its authority among budget travelers.

2. Bayside Marketplace is a true shopping icon in Miami. Dozens of shops, restaurants, as well as many entertainment venues open in front of the visitor who is ready to spend money: cinema halls, halls with slot machines, shooting galleries and much more - ways to spend money for every taste.

An important plus of this mall is that it is located in the open air, without forcing customers to sweat in a tedious queue for another amazing store full of sparkling accessories or exotic food.

3. The Art Deco district can be called a reserve of the architectural style of the same name. These artsy buildings in bright colors are a real hearty meal for the eyes that are hungry for unusual sights. You can catch on in this area for anything: for buildings, for sidewalks, for lifeguard cabins on the beaches, for toilet cabins - this whole area is devoted not so much to active recreation as to the contemplation of the next vision of the world - through bright lines and angular buildings.

And that's just during the day! At night, the district transforms into a neon knight: bars, restaurants and cafes with a unique night program open up before the night traveler.


The main part of the city is no longer full of sights, however, it still has several unique places on its territory, including the Wynwood district - a reserve of street paintings in their original habitat - a disadvantaged area of ​​the city.

Every foreign visitor to Miami should spend time on the streets of this immensely bright and natural area, especially since the local development contributes to this: there are many different prestigious shops, bars and cafes, most of which, of course, work at night, when they have pictures on the walls. opens up a second wind.

So, Miami, upon closer examination, confirms its image of a bright and juicy resort in its fullness, a visit to which should become an obligatory item in the tourist program of every person. The main thing is to take more money, because in Miami you can still buy happiness - albeit fleeting, but bright and memorable.